
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Being vs Doing

Many times in my life I focussed only in what I had to do in order to achieve goals.  I planned, defined strategies, set deadlines & milestones, tracked my progress with graphs and diagrams... and you know what, when I finally achieved my goals I ended up with a feeling of dissatisfaction and questioning myself:  Is this all about?
I had focussed so much in steps, in to-do lists, in getting things done that I missed completely the point of what moved me in the first place to set myself that goal. According to Tony Robbins, there are two different skills that one has to develop in order to excell in life:
  • The Science of Achievement, which focusses mainly on DOING things (or alternatively, taking action and getting things done)
  • The Art of Fulfillment, which focusses mainly on BEING, on the emotional state and the values that are expressed by the goals you set for yourself.
Many people tend to unbalance both skills and this results into difficulties either moving towards their goals (excess of fulfillment / lack of achievement) or feeling their motivation sinking (not enough focus on the values behind their actions).

Think about an specific area of your life where you have set yourself a goal and you find yourself delaying taking action to make it real.  On a scale from 0 to 10, where do you feel you are with respect to what is needed to achieve that goal?
How would it be like to be at a level 10?  What would you feel?  What is so important for you to reach that goal and be at that level? Would it be more confortable for you to be at a lower level, let's say 9? If so, what do you gain from being at a lower level?
If your answers touch your core values, you will find a shift in your emotions.

Now, let's go to the challenging part:  what do you lose by staying at a lower level? Imagine yourself in 20 years from now.  How would your life be like living in the same lower level all these years?  Which things have you given up by choosing to stay in the same level?

Imagine for a moment that you have already achieved your goal and you are living at the level of 10.  How does it feel?  imagine yourself 20 years in the future, living all these years at that level.  How would your life be like? If you had to choose an image, what would this image be?

You got the picture of your values expressed at a level of 10.  Will you commit to vision this image at least once a day for the next 10 days? it will keep your motivation high and give you a sense of anticipation on what you are about to move towards.  This is focussing on BEING.
I challenge you to go beyond, and share your dream and this image with somebody you love and from whom you can expect respect from your vision. I challenge you to ask him/her to help you remained focussed, by communicating him/her by phone after 10 days that you visioned your dream and your image.

Now, my friend, the time is ready to take more action. This is a journey that starts, as always does, with a very first step.
What is the first step that you will do today to move towards realizing your dream? Are your ready to take this step or your prefer keeping living in your current level for the next 20 years?  I bet you are ready, I know you can do it, and my allucination is that you know it as well.
Do you commit yourself to tell your chosen one by tomorrow what you have done towards making your dream real?
If you do, Congratulations!! You took action and you are now one step closer to your goal.
Just keep DOING while focussing every single day on your vision, your BEING, and you will achieve whatever your goal is and enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Challenge to Step Up

Recently I had a conversation with one of my coaches about the challenge and rewards to step up in order to achieve your goals.
If you ever have to make a decision between two things you want to do... how would you choose?
What are your priorities? What does move you towards one option? What is your motivation for the other option?

As Harv Eker said in his Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, rich people ask themselves in this situation How can I get this AND that? whereas poor people wonder how to make a decision, where by "rich" I mean people living in abundance in all areas of their life.
By asking yourself this question, you are challenged to find a way, to leave your comfort zone and step up, creating solutions, breaking old habits and mental belief patterns and increasing your personal power to become whatever you want in your life.

Many times in our lives we have heard the word compromise, meaning by that that we cannot get always what we want. Although knowing your priorities is essential to achieve any goal, that doesn't mean that you can only achieve the first at the cost of all the others. Of course it is much easier that way, but if your goals are really meaningful to you, change your beliefs, imagine what would be to get all of them, how would you get there, and take massive action. I guarantee you that not only you will get there, but you will enjoy your way towards your goals as a constant improving and expanding adventure and, what matters most, you will be more prepared to achieve even more challenging goals in the future.