My name is Jorge Serrano and I am very thankful for your time as you browse these pages. I hope you discover something that helps you grow further and live your life more faithfully.
I wonder what exactly you want to know about me, so please forgive me if the info below doesn't cover your expectations. You can always drop an email if you want to find out more about me or get in touch.
I am very focused on growing and contributing others to grow and become excellent in any area of their life. To that mission, I have devoted most of my life, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously.
What I have done until now?
I studied Physics, graduated in Spain and was awarded my Ph.D. in Germany, 2003. Since then I dedicated my working hours to carry out state-of-the-art research in several fields of materials science and applied physics, and lately to lecture on Physics for undergraduate engineering students.
2003 was a tipping point in my life: I discovered coaching and its unlimited life enhancing potential by participating in a workshop by Anthony Robbins in Frankfurt.
That event impacted me in such a way that the ripples extend until today, and I decided at that time that, no matter what I would do in life, I would either become excellent at it or quit.
After more than 10 years dedicated to the academic world, I decided last year to focus more on human relations, personal development, and leadership, which are, to my humble opinion, at the core of excellence.
To that aim, I became a coach and got training in
which I combine with Usui and Karuna-Prakriti Reiki in my coaching call sessions.
I hope you enjoy this space of growth and inspiration, and use the tools to make your life more passionate and fulfilled!
If you are interested in getting a free coaching session, please send me an email with a your dreams and phone number at jserrano.coach@gmail.com, and I will get back to you asap.
I look forward to reading from you!