
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Response vs. Reaction

Do you know the difference between response and reaction?

Many times we feel hurt by acts and words that somebody else did or said. We take them personally, and we react. Often this reaction worsens the situation and leads to an scalating spiral of verbal and even physical violence. And later, when the storm is over, we regret many things of what we said...

How do we change this pattern?  How shall we deal with these situations?
We need to respond instead of reacting.  To respond means first to follow one of the four agreements of Don Miguel Ruiz, an agreement with ourselves, that says:
Don't take anything personally
whatever other people do or say stems from THEIR way of interpreting life and reality, based solely on their beliefs, which limit their perception and thereby their ability to act otherwise.
As Don Miguel Ruiz says "they are on their dream of reality".

Once we accept this agreement, our focus changes completely.  We become more present and able to deal with the situation in a constructive way.  The best effect of this agreement is that we will save ourselves a lot of needless suffering. We are then empowered to connect with our heart, and from that place find a solution... the right words... the right act... according to our greater values.  We will then be able to support that person, feel more empathy, and help him/her if that is what we choose to do.

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