Some of these times, we even know what to do.
And yet we find ourselves letting time pass by, as if we were going to live forever.
What prevent us from taking action?
What consequences does it have for us to let time pass by without moving towards our goals?
We can always find the right answer to the first question, an answer that suit us to avoid taking action. There are as many excuses as people in the world, so there will probably be one convenient for you as well.
In my case, the answer is usually FEAR. Fear to be wrong in my choice of goals (lack of clarity), fear not to be corageous enough to go along the path that, I believe, would take me to my goal, fear not to be good enough to get where I want...
Now, the second question, that is really a powerful one. If I don't take action, I never get my goal. As Einstein said, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Can I live with that?
If the answer is yes, it was never something that I really wanted to be or get. It was only something I would like to be or get without effort... like a dream.
If the answer is no, then it really matters to me to achieve this goal. Why is it so important? What if I don't get it? What would I lose if I don't get it? Who would I become if I get it?
This gives me the clarity and the motivation to move towards my goals and take action continuously!
What happens if this is not enough? If I find the motivation, and still I am frozen with my fear, how can I overcome it? Let me tell you a secret... fear, to me is a good thing. It means that I am feeling uncomfortable in my way to my goal, which means that the possibilities to grow and expand my personal power are as large as the fear I have. Now, how to change fear into excitement?
Change your focus, dream about what you are about to become, see it as if it were already true. Taste it. Hear the things you will hear when you get there. Use your imagination to feel the state you want to create into your reality. It feels great, doesn't it?
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