If you ever have to make a decision between two things you want to do... how would you choose?
What are your priorities? What does move you towards one option? What is your motivation for the other option?
As Harv Eker said in his Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, rich people ask themselves in this situation How can I get this AND that? whereas poor people wonder how to make a decision, where by "rich" I mean people living in abundance in all areas of their life.
By asking yourself this question, you are challenged to find a way, to leave your comfort zone and step up, creating solutions, breaking old habits and mental belief patterns and increasing your personal power to become whatever you want in your life.
Many times in our lives we have heard the word compromise, meaning by that that we cannot get always what we want. Although knowing your priorities is essential to achieve any goal, that doesn't mean that you can only achieve the first at the cost of all the others. Of course it is much easier that way, but if your goals are really meaningful to you, change your beliefs, imagine what would be to get all of them, how would you get there, and take massive action. I guarantee you that not only you will get there, but you will enjoy your way towards your goals as a constant improving and expanding adventure and, what matters most, you will be more prepared to achieve even more challenging goals in the future.
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